How to Be a Leader When You Are Not the Boss

Most of us are followers. Some are better followers than others and sometimes our world cries out for leadership when you're not the boss. The boss may be good or bad but that should not be a deterrent to you step up to a leadership role within your group. I am not advocating a Coup, just a few tips on how to lead when your not the leader.

1. Be a visionary.
2. Be the best at Show and Tell
3. Have integrity
4. Demonstrate Initiative
5. Be Accountable

Possibly the list does not stop there but if you or anyone consistently demonstrates those five attributes your will be a leader among any group, in any role, in which you participate.
So let's take a brief look at each of these attributes:

Visionary-Being visionary is one of the essentials in being a leader and even leaders sometime struggle with this one. Having an inspirational goal and a plan to get there is no small task. Oh sure, the goal is easy enough but the plan to get there is another.

A goal without a plan to achieve it is worthless. So, make sure you have a plan, even if it is the wrong plan you are ahead of the game.

Show and Tell-goes along with being visionary. Having a goal and being able to communicate it to others and tell them how to reach it is masterful and something that few have. Develop great communication skills.

Integrity-Integrity, like visionary is one of the leadership essential. But few people are willing to walk the talk. You be one of them!

Initiative-Simply put, work in the white spaces of your job description.

Accountability-The last on the list but certainly not the least important. We are all accountable to someone. You be the poster boy!

There you have it. Five simple but not easy steps to being a leader when you are not the boss!


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Management Training Tools

When you will move your way through the career ladder, to achieve success, you may find different situations where you are expected to behave in many different and unique ways. It can involve the dealing with different types of people who may have different opinions, you are expected to get them together and achieve your goals.

You are expected to manage people and channelize their skills and talents in such a way so as to achieve common good for the organization. You have to achieve your targets in a specified period of time, that too by following a perfect order which requires taking the right decisions in terms of money and time on your part.

If you wish to do it perfectly then there are some management training tools which can help you. These tools and techniques are useful for the training of manager and the training of management itself. They are given below

Time estimation

When you are given the responsibility of managing a project then measure your time properly so as to meet your target on time.

Impact of risk or contemplating the probability chart

There are tools that can use statistics to measure and judge the risks that are involved with the implementation of a project properly.

Simple project scheduling

You really do not need to use tools that are used for the planning of formal projects when in charge of simple projects. But then a proper planning of simple project can also accelerate your work and make it run without any obstruction.

Planning of the more complex projects

There are tools which with the help of some big charts can make the handling of complex projects much easier. Something called Gantt charts is very useful for this. They can be well constructed. There are tools that can help you answer questions of risks when involved in a big project. They can help you devise your backup plans like the PERT charts.

Planning more robust and at the same time more successful projects

When you are working on a project you must ensure that everything is aligned and working according to your plans so that you reach your target properly. For this reason you need some tools.

Implementing changes in your project

You must be flexible; you should not think that you have to stringently obey the lines of performance that has been determined previously. If new changes can be incorporated then you should be ready to go for it, do not grow impatient but work diligently.

The management training tools are no doubt good but then you must make sure that you are learning something from it. You must not become a slave to such techniques and grow lazy as a result of them.


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Internet Entrepreneur Skills For Success

I often get asked what kind of skill can I develop that will make me more successful. In this article I'll share some of them.

These are not scientific or by any "guru", they are just my observation in my journey as a full time entrepreneur the last 6 or so years. Please feel free to make your own list also if you have ideas how to improve or new ideas about skills that you would like to add.

1. TAKING RESPONSIBILITY. I remember when I lived in Serbia, and when I worked "crappy" jobs here in America, I use to say, why me, it's not fair etc... At some point realizing that it's my fault and I had to take responsibility for my situation, that things finally started to change for the better. So I think taking responsibility is a very important principle you should have. I know it's hard, but try not to blame others, and see how you can take responsibility for the situation next time.

2. CONSIDERATION OF OTHERS. I think most people are in-considerate. I know people get upset when I say this at seminars, but I believe it's true. Now to clarify what I mean, considerate doesn't mean nice or rude etc.. A person who goes to church, and is kind, and gives to charity etc., can be IN-CONSIDERATE. Also an evil person can be considerate. So what is considerate? Considerate in my definition is someone who projects themselves into someone else and thinks in advance about the actions and how they affect the other person. So when they talk or do something they think how will that affect the other person. Very few people have this skill or are even aware of it. If you can develop this skill to analyze everything from the perspective of the other person, you will have a better chance to become more successful.

Consideration will lead in writing better copy, closing more deals etc...

3. COMMON SENSE. One thing that amazes me is how few people have common sense and need everything explained to them. They can't just think things through, but need like a step-by-step press. For example press this button, fill in this line, say these words to your employee etc... and are not able to think what is a logical next step or does this make sense etc... Now the people who don't have common sense probably think they have it, so I'm not sure how to fix this, but I know it's important. Maybe ask yourself if you have it or not and try to be honest with your self.

4. SELF HONESTY. I feel like most people don't want to face the reality and lie to themselves of the real situation. I notice how the way a person describes what is going on is a total disconnect from reality. I think in order to grow, you must admit even bad things to yourself, so you can change them. You must be 100% transparent to yourself and not sugarcoat anything.

5. BAILOUT. I remember how Serbia produced the most ugly and horrible car on the planet after East Germany (they did it for the same reason). The reason Serbia had this ugly car, was that they didn't have to make a good one, the company lost billions year after year and every year for decades they were bailed out. When someone has a bailout available, they are robbed of their God given resourcefulness. I have been privileged to meet over 200 successful "gurus" and listened to their speeches. One thing I noticed is that most of these gurus, were pushed in a corner at some point of time, and that was the pivotal moment in their life. In each case there was no bailout, they had to dig deep and find resourcefulness within themselves to pull out. But they had no bailout. Some were literally on the street or close to it. No one would lend or give them money and they were forced to figure it out. I guess the lesson is to try to do things with your resources when possible and pretend like there is no bailout (even if there is)! Maybe it's impossible, since it takes a huge will-power, but I think it's important to try that.

HERE ARE SOME OF THE TOP PROFESSIONAL SKILLS TO DEVELOP as an entrepreneur that I think will make you successful in any business (or more successful if you already are):

1. COPYWRITING. Even if you don't want to ever write copy like I do, understanding it will make you more successful. If you have been on my list, you probably know that I have no skill in writing according to 99% of people who comment on it, somehow I'm able to make a profit. Why is that? Well I think the reason copywriting is important and it's not about the ability to write property grammar or spell correctly, it's about the ability to communicate with your prospect and make a connection. PSYCHOLOGY is the key to copywriting. Now I don't have a background in psychology, but I like to observe people and what drives them. Also one blessing I had, was the life experience to see people in different systems from Communism, Socialism to Capitalism and how people behave in each, and derive what motivates them and drives them to action or in-action in each.

I have been paid to write copy a few times and have been able to produce results, but I'm far from the best copywriter. Every entrepreneur should understand copywriting because it's an integral par to any:

- video

- landing page

- auto-responder

- voice blast

- radio ad

- postcard

- sales letter


It's all about copywriting! You have to connect with the audience. Even when you talk one on one at a seminar or networking meeting or on a sales call. I think that 99% of entrepreneurs just don't care about copywriting and we know the horrible failure rate entrepreneurs have (something like 90% fail). I think this is one of the reasons, so if you can improve this skill, go for it. Spend at least 1 hour a week improving your copywriting skills (even if you will not do it, so you understand it). I will have a bootcamp on copy-wring alone one day, THAT IS HOW IMPORTANT I THINK IT IS!

2. TRAFFIC. I think you have to have the ability to drive prospects to your business (I don't mean only websites). Real Estate Investor and Citrus REIA and Tampa Bay REIA group leader a few weekends ago was able to drive 1000 people to his open house. How many realtors in America can drive 1000 people to their open house? Just so you know this is not made up, I was there, and couldn't believe it if I haven't seen it with my own 2 eyes!

Now that can be traffic online or offline it doesn't matter, but you have to be able to drive traffic of prospects to your funnel. In this leaders, case the funnel started with an open house and registering the prospects on his list. This is a very important skill, but most entrepreneurs can't do it, and are not willing to learn it or are to cheap to pay for someone to do it for them. But without this skill you can't be that successful in business. However I can tell you that even in John's case, skill #1 (copywriting) played a pivotal role to his success (he wrote some incredible copy!). However that is just a part. So these two skills are very important!

3. VIDEO. This is a future skill. I don't think if you can't do it, it will break you today, but I think we are heading there. I think we will need a skill to make effective videos. Here is why. I think that everyone on their phone, computer or TV will be able to push a few buttons and pull up a video about you or your business and in a few seconds or minutes and decide GO/NO GO. So that skill is going to be critical. Now if you have that skill now, you are ahead. There are millionaires being made as we speak because they have mastered video effectively. It's not an easy skill and there is much involved, but it's worth mastering.

Tell us what you think and how we can all grow and become better entrepreneurs.


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Starting Your Own Business - Terrifying Or Exhilarating?

Starting your own business can be terrifying, but, at the same time exhilarating. There may be many times at the beginning of this journey, that you will long for the safety net of a regular job, with regular hours, and with a regular income.

In the wee small hours of the morning, when you're longing for sleep, your brain will be bursting with all manner of scary images, not least the looming threat of failure.

Just remember to ask yourself why you decided to take this journey in to the unknown. Was it for financial freedom, (something that may look decidedly unobtainable at the beginning)? Was it to prove something to your peers, and, more importantly, yourself? Or was it to follow a dream?

When we're young, we all have dreams. How many of us can remember we'd set our hearts on travelling the world, writing a novel, beating a record?

What happened to those dreams? For most of us, they were tucked neatly away, sometimes aired once in a while, then pushed back, never to surface again, while we got on with the business of surviving.

Never give up on your dreams. They are what made you, so you have an obligation to fulfill them. Going it alone when starting a new business doesn't necessarily mean just that. There's bucket loads of support out there, and it's not hard to find. As a small business owner myself, I found my greatest allies were other small business owners.

They were the obvious, and most sensible choice, when asking for advice. And, to a man, (or woman) they were generous with their support. They had once started the same journey I was on, and knew the pitfalls and setbacks I would encounter.

Business owners nearly always try to support each other; indeed, in most cases, they rely on other small businesses to survive. It is in their own interest to offer a helping hand.

Never be afraid to ask for advice, and never be afraid to admit you may have been doing something wrong. Others may be able to see faults which aren't always obvious to you. If something isn't working, don't cling on to it, just because you thought it was a good idea.

Try to be positive, even when everything, and everyone, seems to be conspiring to make life more difficult. Success breeds success, failure attracts more failure.


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Do You Have Trouble Saying No?

For many business owners and entrepreneurs saying No can be one of the toughest things to learn to do.

When you first get started in business, you are hustling to make ends meet and establish yourself in your field. When a client asks for you to do something, it is very easy to say yes even if you aren't the best at it or even know how to do it. When you are looking for ways to pay the rent, every customer is considered a good customer.

But as your business grows you start to realize that some customers simply aren't worth having. When you consider the cost they bring to the company and the turmoil they can create, you realize you would actually be better off without them. I think this comic of Dilbert and browsers demonstrates it pretty nicely. You can find a link to it at the bottom of the article.

It represents a concept called incremental value. The first customer has huge incremental value. Just like that first toolbar add on was pretty awesome and useful. It provided value to your surfing experience and made things more easily accomplished (at least that was the purpose of it anyway)

Until you reach break even, each client that generates positive cash flow to the business has incremental value. But what happens when we build our business focused on any customer being a good customer?

Eventually we reach the point where every customer may no longer provide incremental value. They can eventually have a hidden cost associated with them. The cost that most people don't recognize is called Opportunity Cost.

Now if you want to work 120 hours a week handling every single possible client, then you may have a much different view point on incremental value. Personally I much prefer a saner life work balance. Think of it as an Optimized Business Model. When you first start out, income is optimized so everyone looks good. As you reach certain stages in business you have to start making some tough decisions.

The first decision is to fire some customers. When you reach the limits in your business (from a time, systems, etc standpoint), you have to take a close look at your clients and see which ones are creating the biggest bottleneck without providing the same value.

For instance if you are a freelance writer. You have 10 clients who work with you on a regular basis. Your time is the largest constraint in your system. You have one client who requires an extraordinary amount of time in every project without paying an equivalent premium.

For your business to grow, you may need to consider firing the client. You can always raise his rates to compensate for the extra time. You can also put in systems to reduce the amount of time required to deal with them.

Understanding the limits of your business and taking steps to remove them is the only way to develop a business that provides you with your ultimate life.

It isn't something you focus on early on as you grow your business but is something you need to add to your yearly planning process.

Learn to trim focus on the products you offer that provide the biggest result. Just realize that it only applies to a system that has bottlenecked and is limiting your growth.


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The Employee Mindset

The mindset of an employee is much different than that of the entrepreneur. With no one to tell you what to do and how to do it may be difficult but can also be very rewarding.
Only you can overcome these obstacles and make them merely circumstances.

Many beginning entrepreneurs face a number of major challenges when they begin their first endeavor. Among them may be having an employee mindset. Those who have held public jobs became accustomed to being instructed and directed on how to do every task. The boss or manager had the plan and implemented it as they saw fit. They may have occasionally sought your input but the final procedure was theirs to decide.

When we as entrepreneurs take the initiative to become self employed the direction of a boss is no longer a factor in the process. We must have the personal drive and determination to accomplish every task within ourselves. The mindset we have must be such that we realize "WE" are in control of every detail and implementing them. This can be a huge obstacle if much of our careers have been spent working for others. At times it can be so overwhelming to us that we nearly give up and quit.

Everyone's mindset and thought process is different and how we fight this problem is within each of us. Of the many ways to combat it, the best I have found is to remember a time when I wasn't working for someone else. The things I did away from an employer when I make the decisions on what to do and how to proceed with it. I determined the priority of each task and everything involved with achieving it. Even the need for instruction in the process was my responsibility to gain and I did what it took. I made each decision as I determined, with the knowledge that I was responsible of the outcome. Consciously knowing I am in control of every aspect of my business requires me to be accountable to me, THE BOSS.

I know entrepreneurs must deal with their own situations but to control our mindset is one of the greatest achievements. To know I control my time and life according to my convictions and beliefs. Answering to myself alone and being responsible for my actions is of utmost satisfaction. The feeling of accomplishment that you have successfully completed something no one else could because it was your dream.


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Second Income - Look Around and Grab the Possibilities

In the times of escalating prices and static incomes, every individual explores ideas for generating second income. When the jobs are not paying enough and credits keep on mounting enormously, get set to make some arrangements for having second income for sustenance. It is advisable to first get a clear understanding of various factors such as disposable time, abilities, skills and areas of interest, before finding an opportunity for supporting income.

Explore Your Neighborhood

Intelligent thinking will let individuals find chances to generate additional income right in their neighborhood. Part time jobs can be taken in nearby restaurants or pubs at such timings that would not clash with the timings of the main job. If one has the temperament of waiting at tables then such part time job can be taken else work can be found in the accounts or admin department. Women and young girls can offer to baby-sit for young kids in neighborhood. The more enterprising ones can even start a child-transportation service also with the aid of their vehicles. Similarly, dog-sitting and dog-care jobs can also be taken up.

Discover Internet

Internet also offers many incredible ways to earn second income right from the comforts of home. They not just advise, but also give thorough guidance to gain from effective money making programs. Individuals can select from a wide array of choices for earning second income ranging from filling survey forms, to affiliate marketing to writing blogs to online-sale of service and selling products over online auctions. Online auctions are an excellent way of building resources for earning additional income because they can be handled anytime, without interfering the regular day to day activities and the job timings. One needs to find new items for online sale or auction and earn money through them. Collect items from Yard sales, Garage sales etc and uploaded their images and details over auction site. Take care to list the selling price of the items-to-be-auctioned higher than their cost price lest there won't be any profit money coming along.

Monetize Your Hobbies

Have you ever considered that an individual can earn decent amount of money just by harnessing his or her talent and hobbies? Whatever one is excelling in, can be monetized with little expertise and smartness. Those good at dancing and/or singing can teach /dance music at local schools during their free hours or conduct classes at their homes only. There are many such activities and hobbies that hold immense potential of getting transformed into ideal way of generating second income. They can be exploited to the extent of becoming a full fledged business also. Budding writers can start supplying articles, columns, stories and poems to local newspaper and magazines. Painting and piano classes can also be organized during weekends or evening hours to earn that always-welcome extra buck.

It is not at all difficult to earn second income provided one is enterprising enough and willing to work that extra bit hard.


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Business Plan Services - Why They Are Better at Writing Than You

When you first start up a business and you are looking to get funding of any kind, you will need to have a well written business plan in order to get anywhere and if you are not confident in writing one yourself a great alternative is a professional business plan service. Even if you are a talented and well versed writer, unless your occupation is as a current or former plan writer, than you are probably better served seeking help.

Perhaps you doubt this sentiment and feel as though you can tackle a plan all by yourself. Here are some reasons why a professional business writing service will write a better plan than you:


Many business plan services employ business plan writers who have been writing plans for years. This is simply a skill that can't be learned overnight. Just as you may be the best at what you do, a plan writer is the best at what they do. A professional plan writer will not only be able to write well, but they will also know what potential investors are looking for in regards to the plan itself.

Time: In business you can never have enough time. By hiring a professional business plan service to write your plan, you will be able to focus on the many other things that come with owning a business. Even if you could effectively write your own business plan, with everything else that is likely to be on your plate, you would probably not complete your plan in a very timely manner.


Okay, say you get though the actual writing of the plan. You still have to deal with the financials. This can make even the most level head absolutely spin. However, the financial section is probably the most important part of your plan and will be the part that many investors flip right to.


Any quality writing service will offer you a guarantee of some sort. Typically, if you are not happy with the way that your business plan turns out, then it will be re-written until it is to your liking. If you write your own plan and then end up with something you don't like, you are stuck, unless you want to write it again.

Yes, you can go about writing your plan on your own, but is it really worth it? You can also pull your own teeth if you have a toothache, but you are probably better off by going to a dentist and seeing what they have to say.

By hiring a professional business plan service you can be sure that your plan will be the best it can possibly be. While it will cost you money to do so, in business, you have to spend money to make money. Though in this case it may be that you have to spend money in order to borrow money.


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What Makes an Entrepreneur?

By George Torok

Entrepreneurs - the fastest growing area of our economy. What makes these strange people, risk takers and wealth generators tick? Why do entrepreneurs take risks, endure pain, fatigue, and embarrassment? What makes them run? Is it money, fame, rock and roll or sex?

None of the above!

Entrepreneurs might want and enjoy those rewards but what drives them and what distinguishes them from an overachieving employee or salesperson is the desire to create. That's it. Are you an entrepreneur? Do you pass the test? Many overachievers are not entrepreneurs.

Leonardo Da Vinci, Thomas Edison and the Wright Brothers were entrepreneurs. They had dreams to create new horizons for humanity. A vision, inspiration and most importantly the belief that, "I can do that", is the defining image of an entrepreneur.

How do you motivate an entrepreneur? Tell them, "It can't be done". Entrepreneurs love an impossible challenge. They will prove you wrong. It took Edison 10,000 attempts to create a light bulb that burned for several seconds. That persistence is the essence of an entrepreneur.

Not everyone who starts a business is an entrepreneur. Some do it out of desperation, or until they get a real job. They might become entrepreneurs one day, but they must move their mind set from 'I can't do that' to one of 'can do'.

What does it take to succeed as an entrepreneur?

The ability to learn what is needed to make your dream come true - and to acquire and apply those lessons and skills. Successful entrepreneurs go past the dream stage. Many have the potential to be successful. They have dreams, great ideas and they may even be right. But imagine if Edison quit after 1,000 attempts. He could rightly rationalize that it couldn't be done. After all who would expect him to try 1,000, 2,000 or even 5,000 times? It took 10,000. Nobody cares about the failures. The results count. We now have light bulbs.

George Cohon, senior Chairman of McDonalds Canada & McDonalds Russia, endured 14 years of negotiation and posturing to open the first McDonalds restaurant in Russia. It was the most successful grand opening they ever had. They served over 30,000 customers that first day. But it took 14 years of running around, being nice to Soviet bureaucrats and pleading with his board to get there. Cohon had no idea it would take so long but he knew he could do it. I suspect that Bill Gates was not motivated by money. The power of effecting change and growth is more intoxicating. Money is only a wonderful by-product. That is what sets entrepreneurs apart.

Entrepreneurs are dreamers. They see things that others can not. They want to create change and growth. They believe in themselves. They want to control their destiny. Successful entrepreneurs seek out, acquire and practice the skills they need to succeed. Successful entrepreneurs do what they have to, to get to where they want to be


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